Spicy Chickpea Pasta with Olives and Greens


You can make pasta out of chickpeas?!

We seriously love chickpeas at Nourish Box, and we are excited to see supermarkets featuring Chickpea Pasta in their aisles. Chickpea pasta is literally pasta made out of chickpeas. These pastas are plant-based powerhouses chock-full of both protein and fiber. Just head to your pasta aisle and look for Chickpea Pasta. Major brands like Barilla now have Chickpea Rotini, and it is delicious!



·      1 box of Chickpea Pasta

·      1 diced yellow onion

·      3 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped

·      1 tablespoon of smoked paprika

·      ½ teaspoon of red pepper flakes

·      1 can of crushed tomatoes or your favorite pasta sauce

·      ½ cup of pitted olives, chopped

·      1 bag of spinach

·      Basil or oregano for garnish


1.    Cook chickpea pasta based on instructions on box.

2.    Heat olive oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-low heat. Add onion, stirring occasionally for ten minutes. Add the garlic, paprika and pepper flakes, stirring for about one minute.

3.    Add crushed tomatoes or your favorite pasta sauce. Stir in olives and a dash of salt.

4.    Bring to a simmer and cook for about ten minutes until the sauce thickens.

5.    Add black pepper and the spinach. Cook until spinach is wilted.

6.    Stir the pasta into the sauce and serve. Garnish with basil or oregano.



Crispy Black Bean and Rice Burritos